In Silent Light, based on Carlos Reygada’s Acclaimed 2007 Film, a fraught love story unfolds in a Mennonite community in the plains of northern Mexico. Silent Light Is composed by Prestini, with a libretto from Royce Vavrek, directed by Thaddeus Strassberger, and conducted by Christopher Rountree. Engaging the aural, visual, and olfactory, and harnessing the uniqueness of National Sawdust’s architecture and Meyer constellation sound system, the production immerses audiences in a socially cloistered and sensuously expansive environment.
The ensemble is rounded out with NOVUS ensemble including Katie Hyun (violin), Gareth Flowers (trumpet), Marlon Patton (Percussion), Dave Nelson (Trombone), Jeffrey Zeigler (Cello), with Foley designed by Sxip Shirey, performed by Nathan Repasz.
This production is produced in partnership between VisionIntoArt and National Sawdust and is Co-Commissioned by Trinity Church, Banff, and VisionIntoArt with support provided by Jeanne Giordano, Elizabeth Madigan Jost, Simon and Catriona Mordant, Jill and Bill Steinberg, Robert L. Turner, and Veronica Watson.
Please note: Due to explicit content and language, Silent Light is 18+ only. This production contains a simulated sex scene and onstage nudity.
Daniel Okulitch, Johann
Brittany Renee, Esther
Julia Mintzer, Marianne
Anthony Dean Griffey, Zacarias
Maggie Lattimore, Esther’s Mom
James Demler, Father
Margaret Carpenter Haigh, Mother
Matthew Goinz, Alfredo
Tommy Wazelle, Cornelio
For tickets and more information, please click here.